Saturday, 19 December 2009

Great article on MP3s vs hard copy music formats

The day after I distributed my end of year comp digitally (for the second year running) this article in the Boston Globe (sent to me by my friend Dave) is about the best I've read on the meaning of music collections in the digital age.

1 comment:

Hami said...

cheers for this. Def one of the strongest articles I've read as to why we collect music.
I must admit i envy anyone who has the discipline to store their old formats after burning to hard disc. i seem to be sharing my life constantly with 3 (even 4 if you count analogue tape) formats and the associated equiment that goes with them. Needlesly it has to be said, but there is a lot to be said (as it is in this article) for nostalgia. As you know I cannot stray two far away from my beloved 45s for two long. Now there's a genius format.......