Thursday, 24 May 2012

La Bionda - I wanna be your lover (Discoring) - YouTube

I know this is absolutely terrible in so many ways but...I dunno, that proto-acid bass synth line and robotic voices. I just can't help falling for it. I just want to put on a puffy blouse and groove. It's all very Blakes Seven. And the haircuts and the 'tash ... that was the future kids!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Beach House's "Bloom" mini review

The strength of "Bloom" is that it sounds exactly like its brilliant predecessor "Teen Dream". It feels warm, cosy and familiar. It's a wonderfully snug fit for existing fans but at the same time it's sure to bewitch many new ones who have an inclination for hazy dream-pop. Beach House's sonic recipe is undeniably magical. BUT .. and it's a very big but, all its strengths might also be this record's Achilles heel. I'm now on my 7th listen and it sounds lovely, really it does, but nothing is walking up to me and giving me a great big kiss. Nothing is as instantly intoxicating (or beautifully odd lyrically) as "Zebra", the song that ultimately sold me on "Teen Dream". True, I was sceptical about "Teen Dream" too when it came out, but that was more prejudice about the band's sudden tectonic shift from cult darlings to major players. Simply hearing "Zebra" shattered that silly resistance. This time, a few plays in, there is just the faintest whiff of a group which may be treading a little too much water.